
2021年1月24日—飛時測距(ToF:TimeofFlight):利用發光二極體(LED:LightEmittingDiode)或雷射二極體(LD:LaserDiode)發射出紅外光,照射到物體表面反射 ...,Timeofflight(ToF)isthemeasurementofthetimetakenbyanobject,particleorwavetotraveladistancethroughamedium.Thisinformationcanthenbe ...,Atime-of-flightcamera(ToFcamera),alsoknownastime-of-flightsensor(ToFsensor),isarangeimagingcamerasystemformeas...

3D 感測技術:什麼是飛時測距( ToF :Time of Flight)

2021年1月24日 — 飛時測距(ToF:Time of Flight):利用發光二極體(LED:Light Emitting Diode)或雷射二極體(LD:Laser Diode)發射出紅外光,照射到物體表面反射 ...

Time of flight

Time of flight (ToF) is the measurement of the time taken by an object, particle or wave to travel a distance through a medium. This information can then be ...


A time-of-flight camera (ToF camera), also known as time-of-flight sensor (ToF sensor), is a range imaging camera system for measuring distances between the ...

ToF (Time of Flight)

飛時測距是什麼? 有別於2D的圖像,3D圖像可提供深度的資訊。飛時測距(ToF)是獲得3D圖像的技術之一,它可以根據信號發射與返回的時間差來測量感應器與物體之間的距離 ...

ToF (Time of Flight) | 飛時測距

What is it? Capturing 3D images provides the perception of depth. ToF (time of flight) is one of the 3D technologies that can measure the distance betwee...


2020年5月5日 — 從我們翻閱的資料來看,ToF並不限於光學領域,利用微波、超音波的「飛行時間」來計算物體距離的,都可以認為是ToF技術的應用。那麼實際上普通的微波雷達也 ...


作者:ADI系統工程師Paul O'Sullivan及系統工程經理Nicolas Le Dortz 摘要本篇是飛時測距(ToF)技術專文概述了連續波(CW) CMOS ToF相機系統技術,以及該技術在機器視覺 ...